Invest in Experiences
….but experiences just happen, how can I invest in something that just happens?
Well…I have some great news for you….YOU can plan your experiences and enjoy them even more.
Some of us, OK most of us have a savings and or a checking account that we invest in to help us sustain the life comfort level we would like to achieve.
Although money is nice to have, but if your goal in life is ALL about your monetary investments, then you are missing out on living your life through experiences.
Not instead, but in addition to your monetary investments…..
Invest in time with friends. If you don’t have many friends, invest your time in fostering friendships (we talked about that in one of the other blogs, see if you can find it). Invest your time in fostering a pet, going to a park, a reserve, a garden, and experience the surroundings. Invest in going to a concert, to an Opera, a dance recital, poetry reading…..Invest in volunteering, having friends over for dinner….Invest in __________________
Long term happiness is about investing in your daily experiences. Plan them, put them into motion and soon, you will have your bucket of experiences overflowing with an abundance of happiness.
What is your favorite investment in an experience?
Just like in the latest newsletters “Happiness Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5”, which focused on finding joy and fostering friendships, being flexible, practicing forgiveness and gratefulness …you will never know the joy of investing in experiences, until you learn to experience it. Say “yes” to opportunities to experience adventures.
This week, I challenge you to invest in ONE planned experience.
Can YOU be the person standing in your own way of enjoying and experiencing your adventures?
Food for thought
Move out of your own way, experience joy and happiness
Sign up for a free 15 min. exploratory session and let’s get moving on creating a purposeful life. Let’s explore your gratitude practice technique.
Knowing your purpose and getting it done are two different things. Let’s explore accomplishing our goals and enriching our lives.
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